Our Story
Jackie and Horia first saw each other when Jackie interviewed at BÂRRX Medical, Friday, August 20th 2010. As Jackie made her way to the conference room, she looked down the row of cubicles and saw Horia walking down the row. Jackie and Horia both remember this moment vividly. In true BÂRRX style, Jackie started work immediately on the following Monday. Since it was short notice, Horia spent a good portion of the day configuring Jackie’s computer and software needs. On the way home from work that day, Jackie called her sisters to tell them about the new job. Ann Marie was the first to pick up and while Jackie had just learned all about a life-saving device that treats Barrett’s esophagus and prevents people from progressing from a treatable disease to esophageal cancer, the main topic of conversation quickly switched to the “hot” IT guy that was so fun to talk to! Jackie had never been so happy to be technologically challenged!